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The TRE® Global Certification Training Program is for those who want to certify as TRE® Providers so they can teach TRE® to others or integrate TRE® in the work they already do to support others.

Learn how to support people who:

  • Struggle with with insomnia, headaches, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, anger, irritability or feeling overwhelmed?
  • Are tired of living with aches and pains and missing out on things they used to enjoy doing?
  • Would like to remember how to relax and feel calmer and more peaceful?

Overall TRE® helps to calm the nervous system, supports self-awareness and self-regulation and encourages the body to move towards a healthy state of integrated balance.

Dates: Saturday 19th – Sunday 20th March 2022
Venue: Integral Health Studio, Colyn Road, Sweet Valley, Constantia

Click here for more info: www.integralhealth.co.za/tre-training-2022

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