An integrated approach to your health and wellbeing
Integral Health is a mindfulness-based approach that addresses all aspects of
living a healthy, whole and fulfilling life.
My intention is to journey alongside you in a nurturing and empowering way to promote expanded consciousness, integration, a mindful presence and the cultivation of conscious and empathic relationships.
I am a mindfulness-based, Integral Health coach, TRE® Certification Trainer and Mindfulness Teacher (MBSR and MBI’s) in private practice in Cape Town. I also have qualifications in nursing, exercise and fitness, clinical nutrition, counselling, and coaching.
With over 30 years of work experience in the field of health promotion and wellness my work has evolved to include a variety of modalities which I draw from to empower people to journey towards an integrated, conscious and fulfilled life.

Integral Health helps you to increase self-mastery and improve your quality of life, regardless of your current life circumstances.
It’s All About Awareness
“A great transformation begins when we look at our minds and bodies with curiosity and respect rather than fear and avoidance. When we invite our thoughts, feelings and body sensations into awareness we learn from them rather than be driven by them. We can calm them without ignoring them; we can hear their wisdom without being terrified by their screaming voices.” (Daniel Siegel)